Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Souza - Post 4 -


It’s me again!!! Now I would like to share with you an exciting experience in Chinatown.  Chinatown is a special place located in New York where you can find Chinese products. And on Sunday I went there for living a fascinating moment, Chinese Parade for celebrating New Year.

My friends and I arrived at Chinatown for about eleven a.m., walked around the place, visited some stores and then we tried to find a good place for attending the parade. So we stopped at the corner of a street where the parade will be starting. I was so anxious for taking many pictures because I considered the place where I was a perfect one, but as soon as the parade started, two American policemen came and stayed in front of me. So in all my pictures you can see parts of the policeman arms or his back…

On the hand, telling you about the event it was perfect. Everywhere you could see red and many horses. This Chinese year is the horse year. All cars were decorated with horses and red. It is interesting that during the parade some Chinese were distributing gifts. You could see people from all ages participating and they were very happy wishing everybody Happy New Year.

The parade was organized in some associations or schools, they were in blocks. In spite of being a horse year, many dragons were dancing and walking down the street, small, medium and long. Two of them called my attention, the longest one, beautiful, alive, colorful, and moving from one to another side of the street and one made by children. Each child was a part of the dragon, they were lined up, can you imagine… one child was the dragon’s head, the four or five others the body and the last one, the tail. How funny it was! Ah… and the color was different too. It was silver and, the most important information; it was made by recyclable material, a thick paper and covered with tinfoil.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vera, it was such a nice experience, wasn`t it? And the delicious food we had at that Chinese restaurant... with a great desert to end it up. Another day to be part of our memories when we go back to Brasil!
