Mother Nature and the weather in New York City
The weather in NYC has been the TV highlight of the last two months. It is too cold, actually it is totally atypical and snow stormings have caused serious trouble to New Yorkers and other several states in the USA. It is clear noticing that the American People were not prepared for such cold winter . If we just look at the main streets of Manhattan we notice the layers of ice easily reaches 1 meter high in some places, and the garbage bags are contributing greatly to this volume. The Subways, so famous reference of this city have suffered delays, even the schools - the base of this society - have closed their doors for some days. The increasingly hurried people run away of the cruel cold to arrive in the comfort of their homes. This winter is being so severe that a unthinkable scene - for me - is happening, a significant amount of people are sitting on sidewalks, handing signs of "homeless" and begging, not counting as much sleeping on the benches of the various subways and doing some type of art by "currencies". It seems that Mother Nature is broadcasting in some information. "If we're having in NYC as visible reflections of the effects of increased cold, as it would be if that situation were to become global. How many people would homeless, or sleep in alternative locations or die for lack of the most basic conditions for survival? Does the fact that what happens here is just another harsh winter? or is it a hint of mother nature telling us: "take better care of myself so I can take good care of you. "I do not intend to advise or make any political apologism. It's just and only my opinion. NYC is a splendid city.
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