Text 3 - Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty represents one of the most importants basis of the nowadays society. As its own name tell us: Liberty or other word Freedom.
Seeing her, we should remember that not always was so that way. From the beggining of the humanity, every day arise dictators and other people like that who dream arresting the world in their selfish purposes.
Seeing the statue with his outstretched arm and the torch lit is invaluable to make visible as such an essential and abstract condition: liberty enlightening the world.
Finally I want to say that having the opportunity to visit this symbol of the world FREEDOM, and live with the american way of life, I understood how important is the PEACE process to these people, and the need of freedom to KEEP HER every day.
Best regards,
Francisco Lázaro Gomes de Sousa - PDPI - Brazil - February, 02 / 2014
Uhu! Vasco in NY! o/