Sunday, January 26, 2014

Post 2_LorenaCoelho

Dear Fellows,
Last Friday I went to two museums which were really interesting. The first one was the Times Square Museum & Visitors Center, where there were some famous Broadway show costumes. The most beautiful is the “Gypsy Robe”, a kind of colorful and shiny dress with so many pictures and hand writing related to gypsy’s life. Pretty interesting! Another amazing thing there is the “Hope & Dreams” wall, there I could read things like: “I wish nobody felt hungry and lonely.” “Peace and health to everybody.” The words made me think how those people would be… Sensitive, for sure!

The second was the American Folk Art Museum, there I saw wonderful piece of work, one in special got my attention, it was a dress made by Bibhu Mohapatra, that was inspired in a little pattern book, drew by an unknown sailor. Although there were some subjectiveness  in his work, at the same time, it is self-explained piece of art. I loved it.

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